These are cups and bowls I have been making from solid pieces, learning how the tools work with grain direction, and rapidly learning that bowls really want Super-SHARP tools. The Bowl above, is Purpleheart, I was trying to separate some rings out of the center - before it all got hollowed out into sawdust, just trying to salvage Something out of all that waste! The ring shape still attached in the center, was too narrow for the lathe tools i had at the time, and I wound up leaving it alone. Its a little tempting to remount the bowl and finish the inside, but I wanted to wait until I was done with another task first. (At the time, I was demonstrating Lathing at a gala event, and wanted to move on to some easier projects to show people. The purpleheart was dulling the tools and the small groups of attendees were coming through too quickly to go sharpen the tools.
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